Thursday, November 6, 2008

1st prize for Living aRRRt Primary School Category

Our Warmest Congratulations to the team from BTPS 6 Grace:

Ong Jun Jie (leader)
Low heng Yi
Theresa Chang
Jordan Lim
6 Grace pupils who created the 18 Green messages

for their green structure making ART out of recycled and discarded items.

The structure was made of: a bicycle wheel discarded at an HDB landing, two 'legs' found in BTPS on a broken chair, cans, vitagen bottles, plastic bottles and longan twigs!

It is amazing how the passion of 4 RSVP members can inspire so many others!

Clean and Green Carnival 2008

It took us 5 hours to set up the BTPS / Epson Clean and Green booth at Suntec City! It might be interesting to all of you to know that we only used recycled items in our booth - even for the lettering which came from donated drawings from our pupils!

The crowds gathered and were eager to play the games made of recycled items set up by our pupils and the informative quiz set up by Epson. Many visitors asked about the Nature Box that showcased the Tree Riddles created by the P5 and many took pictures of the Mid-Autumn lanterns and My Dream Green City drawings by P3!

Warm thanks to the 24 members who helped to set up and manage the BTPS booth at Suntec City. We appreciate your tremendous efforts during the long hours.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Term 3 and 4 Recycling

In term 3 and 4, BTPS recycled a total of 1322 kg of paper.

Keep Up the good work specially as we are nearing end of the year.
Encourage your friends to recycle their used Activity Books and old worksheets!
Every little piece counts!

We will announce the winners soon!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tree Poem

Wood is very Useful
A bit Fragile, so be Careful

Makes Table and Chairs
Trees get Scratched by Bears

Paper is made from wood
They woud Walk if they could

Trees have a lot of Leaves
That might Freeze on New Year's Eve

So remember to Love the Earth
So that the World would like ...

Plant-A-Tree - More Photos

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tree planting

Dear RSVP members,

It was a truly a heartwarming experience for me as i saw all of our very own BTPS pupils enthusiastically being involved in the tree planting activity. "Planting a tree' is our way of giving back to our Mother Earth & the environment. Years down the road, i'm sure all of us will fondly remember the memories and look forward to go back and visit the dearest tree that we have planted

Its feels great knowing that we've done our part in serving our environment isn't....

Congratulations to all RSVP members for being such an active and enthusiastic group.... Let's continue to value and serve our planet. We, each can make a difference.

Hello - This is a Tree Writing - Not Any Tree!

Hello to all, reading this...It might sound wierd, but this is a tree writing on a park ranger's laptop!

A little bit about myself: My scientfic name is Eurycoma Longfolia, most commonly known as Tonkat Ali. I'm not a local plant here in Singapore, I am a native to Indonesia and Malaysia.

It was a hot and sunny Friday afternoon when I moved into my new 'home'-Bukit Batok Nature Park. With my roots tightly packed in soil, I met my so called tree-planters. One of them, donned in a Bukit Timah uniform, looked like a chubby rollypolly. Accompanying him were two fellows wearing Epson T-shirts, one tall as a fully grown tree, the other was like Santa Claus - happy!

All of them wore gloves (which I took as an insult - was I dirty? But I brushed the thought away). Later, the two Epson staff approached me and with great effort, pulled out the black wapper from around me. Next, they lifted me high above the ground... before plomping me back into a hole in the ground. Feeling sore, I tried to say, "Easy!" when I remembered that trees don't have mouths!

Finally, the Bukit Timah student took a hoe and started to push the soil towards me. He patted the soil around me, giving me what I thought was a Shiatsu massage. Just when I thought he was here to stay, he got up and left! Leaving me with a number tag 50 and my name tag hanging on my branch.

Settling down here would be lonely, so people who read this, please visit me!
Oops, the rangers are coming! Gotta go now!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Plant-A-Tree

In the library, we were given 5-6 younger children to take care of. We also received a name tag. The numbers on our name tags showed the number of the trees each of us was going to plant. Megan and I had the same 2 numbers (Trees 44 and 45) so we knew we were going to plant them together.

At Bukit Batok Reserve, I thought that it was going to be an easy thing ....seriously but when I lifted the shovel, it weighed a few kgs!!! I was real surprised!! Looking sideways, I could see that I was not the only one. Megan was also having trouble! Furthermore, her shovel was heavier than mine!!!! Putting the soil up the shovel made it even harder for us!!

After a long period of pants and puffs (it was quite just seemed long ^^) we finally finished planting the trees!! After that long ordeal of putting the soil onto the plant, water it and flattening it with the shovel, we finally put the name tag on the plant. Ours were named "Eugenia dennis florida" (something like that) and do you know that the plant is also grown in our BTPS Learning Garden.

It was really (not sure how to describe it) ... many positive and wonderful feelings came at the same time inside me and I-want-to-go-again (that type of feeling). It was the 'bestest' of the best experiences! I just LOVED it!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

PLANT-A-TREE 2008 at Bukit Batok Nature Reserve

Dear RSVP members

Planting 50 beautiful trees in our community of Bukit Batok was a truly exciting adventure for me. Standing amidst the trees in the afternoon heat and adding to the environment made me feel so special to be part of this project! Bukit Timah Primary School wholeheartedly THANKS Epson Singapore for letting us share this 'journey'.

But above all, to hear your laughter and enthusiasm for the task was even better. BTPS was so proud to see you all attentive and cheerful despite the high temperature. You accomplished the tree planting so effectively and still had energy to pose questions and look for seeds!

We hope that this learning experience will be truly a great memory from BTPS. I believe that many Environmental Activists will emerge from Bukit Timah Primary!


Saturday, September 20, 2008


Welcome all new RSVP members for 2008-2009.

On 10th October, 50 of you have been selected with 10 teachers to go on this amazing mission to plant 50 saplings at the Bukit Batok Nature Reserve.

Together with our Epson partners, we look forward to put in our efforts to show our sincere wish to keep Singapore and our Bukit Batok community green and healthy!

But before that, we have many tasks to accomplish. Each of us will contribute our inner thoughts whether in Art, Poetry, Riddles or Research to make this journey more meaningful.

We await your best entries!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Plastic - We Can Now Recycle Plastic at BTPS

I'm sure you would have all noticed the big brownish bin next to the sinks in the canteen. It's for your plastic containers - feel free to bring containers from home. Let's take that little extra step to save our Singapore!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Term 2 Updates

Term 2 is over!
RSVP is glad to announce that the winners this term for recycling newspapers are the Primary 3 and 5. Together they recycled a total of 179kg of paper while the Primary 4 and 6 recycled 149kg of paper.

Also Bukit Timah Primary pupils were diligent about recycling the drink cartons - we are pleased that they followed our instructions and almost every Friday, our 2 bins for Tetra Paks are full! Imagine that before this term, these cartons added to our landfills!

Next term, we will have 2 additional bins for plastic bottles and aluminium cans! We cherish every effort from all of you as you help keep our beloved school clean and save resources!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A RSVP leader's experience...

First, I would like to thank all of those who helped out at the booth on Earth Day, and many apologies for posting this late reflection!

When Mrs Chien first annouced that I would be working with HuiHao for the quiz booth, I had a mixture of excitment, joy and shock shooting directly at my brain.

What we had to do was prepare some powerpoint slides with questions relating to Earth. Later, we had to transfer the questions into this mind-boggling system. HuiHao and I had to edit the questions over and over again to make sure that there were no mistakes in the questions.

Finally it was Earth Day. We had to rush to the library at 8:30am and prepare the makeshift borders out of chairs and prepare the tables. At 9:30am, a few pupils stuck their heads in to see what was happening. But the best thing was that the response was crazy! Soon, the libary was a sea of bobbing black dots and was filled with mindless chatter!

After this, we all felt extremely good with ourselves as we had met with our expectations. And most of all, I would like to thank Mrs Chien and Miss Chitra for their patience and for those green, cute frogs!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Am One of The RSVP Members

At the time when Mrs Chien said that RSVP existed, I was already excited about it.
Many people in different clusters worked very hard for the BIG DAY !! I was in the quiz booth with Guan Jie.We learnt how to activate the remote controllers and decorated the library a bit. We spent a few hours choosing and putting the quiz questions on Power Point slides.

Then we edited over and over again.

When the big day come, we were actually not really well prepared as we JUST learned how the controllers are activated. When it was recess time, I got really EXCITED !!

Results were OVERWHELMING.. Many people participated.. ( until there were too many people). I was so tired but I could really feel the sense of achievement that we HAD made it for 2 days !!

For me... I think that we did not do it for the reward - it is for the sense of great satisfaction. I did it for the smiles and the excitement that many of our schoolmates had when they came for our quiz.

I hope that BTPS has more of this kind of fun activities for us. And, without those helpful team-mates, I would not have been successful in this quiz.. If not for the team work and efforts we put in, we would not have succeeded !!

Thanks a lot to our team, Ms Chitra... and... Mrs Chien for this RSVP club and the cute froggies !

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why do I Do It?

First of all, I like to do volunteer work as I can help people and in the meantime learn new things!! So I joined the RSVP club and also help to save the Earth.

My first job was to go up on the stage and I gave a speech on tetra-paks. Although it was my second time going on stage, I was quite nervous and I shivered when I faced the crowd who was staring at me as if there was something on my beautiful face=)...

So I plucked my courage and stepped in front of everyone and gave a speech. Finally it was over but I said to myself, "I did it! I did it !!!" A sense of satisfaction came over me...

Second, I was appointed to be the leader of the RSVP Recruitment. I have to work with Yong Zhi to set up the booth and decorate it. We planned so hard until the actual day. Another sense of satisfaction came over me when we saw the pledges and people who were so full of passion about Earth fill up the application forms.

Soon, the two days were over and we were all so happy to see the overwhelming response!!! We actually collected about 108 pledges!!!

To me, it is not the prize that I was waiting for but the satisfaction I get and the things I learned throughout all the activities. But of course MUST HAVE FUN!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Volunteering for RSVP

It was really fun and interesting to work for RSVP with my fellow classmates like Heng Yi and many more.

My first task was to give a speech on the recruiting of RSVP. As it was my first time I did not do well but I was happy that I had tried my best. Next I was one of the people in charge of the Quiz Corner.

I had to sacrifice my recess of playing soccer but I didn't mind as it was part of telling the pupils of Bukit Timah Primary School about their environment .

I was very happy when I got the adorable frog. I have learnt lots of things from this club . It is the best club in Bukit Timah Primary School so far.

My Experience as a Leader

I was very interested in RSVP immediately when Mrs Chien told us about it.

I was very excited about the RSVP big day after we had spent time and effort on the boards. We worked together as a team, coordinating well.

After the first day, many enthuastic people came with their pledges, either wanting to support us or to join us. We already surpassed our goal of reaching the amount of new members on the first day, which shows how enthusiastic BTPS pupils actually are.

I was shocked to see such a big crowd, which probably meant I wasn't really prepared for it I guess. After counting the pledges today, I realised it was actually quite a big number, 108.

This experience of being a student leader told me that it was a good thing that we worked together as a team, or it would have been hard to complete.
I hope that we could have more of such clubs in BTPS!!!! And of course, Thank you Mrs Chien for the cute froggie! ^^

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Respecting Saving Valuing our Planet

Save Mother Earth

We Can Save Her by:

Not Littering
Not Wasting Electricity
Not Wasting Water

We Can Help Her by Saving Her

My Pledge

I pledge not to make Earth like a great giant fire ball of toxic gases released with plastic like this

I promise not to let our Earth suffer from human-caused diseases such as Ozone layer depletion and global warming
(Although I don't think I can, I will try my best)

I will not let Earth become a shrivelled ball like this.

So. AM I IN?

Project Carbon Zero - 10% Energy Challenge

National Environment / Singapore Environment Council Competition for P3 - P5 only

Objective: Save at least 10% Electricity from April to September
If you wish to take part in this country-wide online project to SAVE Electricity, please follow the simple 3 steps:

Step 1:
Ask your parents to keep their electricity bill for the month of April.

Step 2:
Website for the competition will be UP on May 15th for participants to enter their particulars. BTPS will let you know more details

Step 3:
Take part in online Quiz monthly for bonus points.
Input data monthly or twice only (June and Sept) until September

In October, Winners will be announced.
(Please note that NEA/ SEC have assured participants that all information will be kept confidential. Thank You)