Thursday, November 6, 2008

Clean and Green Carnival 2008

It took us 5 hours to set up the BTPS / Epson Clean and Green booth at Suntec City! It might be interesting to all of you to know that we only used recycled items in our booth - even for the lettering which came from donated drawings from our pupils!

The crowds gathered and were eager to play the games made of recycled items set up by our pupils and the informative quiz set up by Epson. Many visitors asked about the Nature Box that showcased the Tree Riddles created by the P5 and many took pictures of the Mid-Autumn lanterns and My Dream Green City drawings by P3!

Warm thanks to the 24 members who helped to set up and manage the BTPS booth at Suntec City. We appreciate your tremendous efforts during the long hours.

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Project Carbon Zero - 10% Energy Challenge

National Environment / Singapore Environment Council Competition for P3 - P5 only

Objective: Save at least 10% Electricity from April to September
If you wish to take part in this country-wide online project to SAVE Electricity, please follow the simple 3 steps:

Step 1:
Ask your parents to keep their electricity bill for the month of April.

Step 2:
Website for the competition will be UP on May 15th for participants to enter their particulars. BTPS will let you know more details

Step 3:
Take part in online Quiz monthly for bonus points.
Input data monthly or twice only (June and Sept) until September

In October, Winners will be announced.
(Please note that NEA/ SEC have assured participants that all information will be kept confidential. Thank You)