Friday, May 23, 2008

Term 2 Updates

Term 2 is over!
RSVP is glad to announce that the winners this term for recycling newspapers are the Primary 3 and 5. Together they recycled a total of 179kg of paper while the Primary 4 and 6 recycled 149kg of paper.

Also Bukit Timah Primary pupils were diligent about recycling the drink cartons - we are pleased that they followed our instructions and almost every Friday, our 2 bins for Tetra Paks are full! Imagine that before this term, these cartons added to our landfills!

Next term, we will have 2 additional bins for plastic bottles and aluminium cans! We cherish every effort from all of you as you help keep our beloved school clean and save resources!

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Project Carbon Zero - 10% Energy Challenge

National Environment / Singapore Environment Council Competition for P3 - P5 only

Objective: Save at least 10% Electricity from April to September
If you wish to take part in this country-wide online project to SAVE Electricity, please follow the simple 3 steps:

Step 1:
Ask your parents to keep their electricity bill for the month of April.

Step 2:
Website for the competition will be UP on May 15th for participants to enter their particulars. BTPS will let you know more details

Step 3:
Take part in online Quiz monthly for bonus points.
Input data monthly or twice only (June and Sept) until September

In October, Winners will be announced.
(Please note that NEA/ SEC have assured participants that all information will be kept confidential. Thank You)