Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Essay Writing Competition - 2nd Prize

Name: Sng Siang Mui Irene
Company: Singapore Epson Industrial Pte Ltd


I would like to propose a simple, yet effective methodology which will help in reducing the carbon footprint in domestic household. Most of us would have already used this method to help manage our finance, by determining our needs and wants.

We need a refrigerator to store food and electric kettle to boil water. These are examples that we had to have these electrical appliances for our daily necessity. We want to have an air-con to cool ourselves. We want to have a hi-fi system to enjoy great music. These can be classified as wants to feed our desire. Therefore when we prioritized our needs and wants, we can then focus on which electrical appliances we can forsake or to substitute with.

Since electrical appliances categorize under the “needs section” are something we are going to have for long term, we have to find energy efficient appliances to reduce usage of electricity. For example, look at the Energy Label of the refrigerator before making your purchase. Procure the one with the most ticks which represent highest energy efficiency thus saving electricity.

All in all, we have to be responsible in making Earth a habitable place while maintaining our own lifestyle.

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Project Carbon Zero - 10% Energy Challenge

National Environment / Singapore Environment Council Competition for P3 - P5 only

Objective: Save at least 10% Electricity from April to September
If you wish to take part in this country-wide online project to SAVE Electricity, please follow the simple 3 steps:

Step 1:
Ask your parents to keep their electricity bill for the month of April.

Step 2:
Website for the competition will be UP on May 15th for participants to enter their particulars. BTPS will let you know more details

Step 3:
Take part in online Quiz monthly for bonus points.
Input data monthly or twice only (June and Sept) until September

In October, Winners will be announced.
(Please note that NEA/ SEC have assured participants that all information will be kept confidential. Thank You)