Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water For All - Conserve, value & Enjoy

Yet another collaborative project with EPSON & BTPS

Pupils engaged in collaborative work!

Great video presentation!

Great, its as simple as that - take a snap of the Ez code and learn more!

Water conservation - Lets all play our part and conserve water!

P4 project work Exhibition cum Wireless trail

What was the laughter all about?

The judges are so engrossed, listening to Teik Lim's presentation

Our pupils engaged in self-directed learning through the wireless trail

Wow! Look at the water sports project! Its awesome.

The project sounds really interesting!

Clean & Green Carnival 2010

Students are eagerly trying out the environmental quiz!

EPSON & BTPS 4th year in partnership!

Look at that colourful posters done by our own BTPS pupils! How artistic!

Wow, wow, what a crowd!

Our confident presenters promoting anti-littering!

BTPS Fun Day cum Open House

EPSON has reached out to parents too!

Learning about anti-littering through games

Done with stage 2. Whats next?

Tree Planting Day - 2010

We're proud to have the Asam Gelugor Tree at BTPS!

Despite the drizzling rain, the RSVPians do not want to miss this opportunity...

Way to go, Jovena!

Kindergarten Outreach Programme 2010

Environmental Quiz using CPS

Earth Day Commemoration 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Clean and Green Singapore 2009

3rd Prize Living aRRRt
2nd Prize Living aRRRt

Changi Airport - Gateway to YOG
Green Sentosa
Winning Prize Epson - BTPS Competition 2009
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Project Carbon Zero - 10% Energy Challenge

National Environment / Singapore Environment Council Competition for P3 - P5 only

Objective: Save at least 10% Electricity from April to September
If you wish to take part in this country-wide online project to SAVE Electricity, please follow the simple 3 steps:

Step 1:
Ask your parents to keep their electricity bill for the month of April.

Step 2:
Website for the competition will be UP on May 15th for participants to enter their particulars. BTPS will let you know more details

Step 3:
Take part in online Quiz monthly for bonus points.
Input data monthly or twice only (June and Sept) until September

In October, Winners will be announced.
(Please note that NEA/ SEC have assured participants that all information will be kept confidential. Thank You)